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 How to avoid Updates that the server doesn't suport

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2 posters

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Join date : 2010-11-13
Age : 28
Location : Brazil

How to avoid Updates that the server doesn't suport Empty
PostSubject: How to avoid Updates that the server doesn't suport   How to avoid Updates that the server doesn't suport EmptySat Nov 20, 2010 5:55 am

As in all my other posts, ill make it short (see Bob? SHORT!)

1 - Find the shortcut or any icon that you use to start WoW.

2 - Test click it. if it goes streigh to the game, you dont need this. if it goes to that "louch" box and starts updating, close that and keep reading here.

3 - With the "louch" box closed, right click the icon you used to open wow.

4 - go to "Properties" and find "Destiny" once a little page opens.

5 - in that "Destiny" clausure, there will be a big text. at the end of it, you should see (if the louch box opend before): " \Launcher.exe" "

6 - Erase ONLY "loucher" and type in "wow".

7 - There should or not apear a new icon. If yes, click the new one. If not, click the older one because that one will be modified (it depends on what operating system you are)

8 - Log-in and play! Very Happy
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Brothers Masters
Brothers Masters

Posts : 15
Join date : 2010-11-12
Age : 26
Location : Canada, Ontario

How to avoid Updates that the server doesn't suport Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to avoid Updates that the server doesn't suport   How to avoid Updates that the server doesn't suport EmptySat Nov 20, 2010 6:32 am

Or you could do this..

Set realmlist
Set patchlist

In and it will have the same effect.

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